At the Institute for Training and Development (ITD) we create immersive experiences for change agents that allow for the exchange of ideas, deep understanding, and cultivated knowledge that result in the transformation of their communities. Our work brings together professionals, students and/or youth leaders typically from underrepresented groups to deepen understanding and share cultures. Participants return to their communities and countries enriched by their exchange and inspired by new and challenging ideas, knowledge and skills.
ITD designs and delivers customized, high-quality educational programs that are participant-centered, immersive and experiential, and grounded in contemporary global issues.
ITD designs and delivers customized, high-quality educational programs that are participant-centered, immersive and experiential, and grounded in contemporary global issues.
ITD designs and delivers customized, high-quality educational programs that are participant-centered, immersive and experiential, and grounded in contemporary global issues.
Current Activities
participants’ stories
To read the most recent blog posts from participants in ITD’s several programs, please click on a post to the right. To access specific blogs, please click on Current Activities.


I had some plans and goals before coming here, wanted to fulfill at least one, but ...all my expectations were surpassed.
Ukraine Disability

Personally and professionally it was most incredible!
Teachers Summer Institute

This program changed a lot in my life — my personality, my attitude to people, and my vision of the library's role.
Kyrgyzstan Local Libraries

The program has extended my profession horizon, I compared two systems, now I look with new eyes on law enforcement in RF `{`the Russian Federation`}`
Russia Criminal Justice

I am reciting sincerely: In my life I have the best experience and enjoying here in America.
Kosovo University Libraries

I love education more, and have more motivation and understanding about how to nurture children.
Indonesia Civic Education

Thanks to this program it became possible for me to discover spirit, soul and mind of this country. I have seen many examples of what human beings should be in an ideal world.
Ukraine Disability

I'd like to comment on the overwhelming sense of duty and dedication that all staff members show and that is reflected in the program.
Teachers Summer Institute

Thank you ITD for creating this project that gave me the opportunity to get out of my comfort zone, `{`to`}` get on my first plane, and to form so many incredibly strong bonds that I know will last a lifetime.
Norway Youth Leadership