By Diloromkhon Kaxorovna
Ever since I was EFL teacher I’ve wanted to go to U.S. and I never thought it would actually happen. Before leaving for my trip I was excited and fearful at the same time. And today I’m in Washington DC, all the people around me are excited because of Independence Day. The tradition of the Fourth of July celebrations was first started on 4 July 1776 and is still celebrated on this day with a lot of enthusiasm and dedication in the United States of America. The perfect weather, the giant flags of red, white and blue, parades ,cookouts, families with shouting kids. But the best part was watching fireworks with my friends. While watching fireworks I remembered the past four weeks. Every day was a new adventure and a new story that I could share with my Uzbek friends. Even walking through a place as simple as the library was a cultural experience. During our trip we traveled to Amherst, Boston, New York and Salt Lake City. Every city challenged me emotionally and culturally. But through all activities in these cities I have different faces of U.S. In addition, this was a unique opportunity to meet new people and new colleagues from other parts of the world. They helped me understand the world through new eyes and from a new angle.
All opinions expressed by the program participants are their own and do not represent nor reflect official views from the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State, or of the Institute for Training and Development, Inc.