
Student Leaders from the Western Hemisphere

Student Leaders from the Western Hemisphere

ITD is administering the Study of the United States Institutes (SUSI) for Student Leaders of the Western Hemisphere through funding from the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, U.S. Department of State. The Institutes consist of five, 5-week programs for groups of university student leaders from Latin America. The goal is to deepen students’ understanding of U.S. culture and society, and to broaden their leadership abilities. ITD and its partner institutions conduct the SUSI Institutes as listed below.

ITD administra el Instituto SUSI para estudiantes líderes del Hemisferio Occidental a través de fondos provistos por el Buró de Asuntos Educativos y Culturales del Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos. Estos Institutos consisten en cinco programas, de cinco semanas cada uno, para estudiantes líderes universitarios de Latinoamérica. El objetivo de estos Institutos es profundizar la comprensión que tienen los estudiantes seleccionados acerca de la cultura y la sociedad de los EE. UU., al igual que ampliar su habilidad de liderazgo. Bajo la licitación otorgada a ITD, conducirá los Institutos como es notado abajo.

El poder de SUSI para cambiar vidas – The Power of SUSI to Change Lives
El poder de SUSI para cambiar vidasThe Power of SUSI to Change Lives

The Institute for Training and Development (ITD) regularly recruits local university students to serve as student mentors for its U.S. State Department-sponsored academic exchange program Study of the U.S. Institutes for Student Leaders (SUSI), on Civic Engagement (Summer Institute), and Economic Empowerment (Winter Institute), in both the Winter (January/February) and the Summer (July/August).

The SUSI Winter 2024 will provide undergraduate student leaders from Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Brazil with a deeper understanding of the U.S. while enhancing their leadership and collective problem-solving skills. The student mentors will assist ITD with the implementation of this program by providing students with a deeper understanding of university life in the United States, through personal interactions and shared experiences.

If you are a student who is interested in intercultural communication and is interested in careers across cultural and linguistic differences, this could be a great opportunity for you! Apply now.

Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis and will be open until positions are filled.

For more information about this program, you can visit the Study of the U.S. Institutes for Student Leaders at the U.S. Department of State. Para más información acerca de este programa, puedes visitar Study of the U.S. Institutes for Student Leaders at the U.S. Department of State.