I loved this Day

By Onelia Odeth Díaz Súchite Hello, I’m Onelia Díaz, from Guatemala, I work as a Specialist in Food Security, with a focus on Gender, in the Non-Government Organization “Paz y

A Community that Works Together

By Paola Tiguila When describing what makes a great community, the definition often includes: love and respect for each other, extending a helping hand to our neighbors and taking care

The Next Weeks to Come

By Ileana Navas The last two weeks have been more of a personal experience for me and now I have embarked on the professional path with the next weeks to

Dynamic, Diverse all over the Place

By Laura Trejo Chirino During the past two weeks, I saw wonders from several places in the United States: Massachusetts, New York, and Texas. I witnessed their architecture, ate their

I am Changing my Leaves

By Eduardo Barrita Martínez (Mexico) Leaves turn brown and fall from the trees, being separated from their branches, but it is still there, a strong tree, with its roots, getting

There is Always a First Time for Everything

By Paulina Macías Coutiño (Chiapas, México) There is always a first time for everything, as a Professional Fellow I have learned that the first times are full of challenges and

Travel is the Best Way to Learn

By Irving Barrera One of the quotes by the American writer Mark Twain that I like the most is: “One must travel to learn”. Last week I started a 6-week

My Dreams Have Come True

By Marta Xicay Ten years ago, I started studying English as a second language. While working, I met new friends from the United States who shared their stories with me.

If You Can’t Fly Run

I was amazed when I listened to Martin Luther King, jr. saying: “If you can’t fly run, if you can’t run walk, if you can’t walk crawl, but by all

Dreams Come True

By Gavkhar Sultanova Every person dreams of something and believes that someday their dream will come true. I was so happy and excited when I received an email from the
