My Professional Fellowship Program Experience so far

By Tomas Cerna So here I am, 22 days after I departed from my beautiful country El Salvador, thinking and internalizing my PFP experience through this blog. The experience has

Create Better Living Environments to Reduce International Migration

By Isabel Cruz Hello everyone. My name is Isabel Cruz, and I am from Honduras. I am a psychologist and currently finishing my Master’s degree in International Cooperation and Project

Where are the Leaders?

By Arnulfo Mazariego This is the question that circles in my head, in a tone of nonconformity, when on more than one occasion, the reality of my country has overwhelmed

Is it truly a life-changing experience?

By Alejandra Fuentes The Unexpected Visitor: It was a tranquil afternoon; I was enjoying a cup of tea while scrolling through my emails. Suddenly, there was a knock on the

Reshaping Futures: My Journey of Learning and Empowerment with the Professional Fellows Program and Tech Foundry

By Fernando López Gaído The Professional Fellows Program has been a fantastic opportunity for me to be a part of. Three lectures about American politics, government, and leadership were presented

From Blue to Green

By Timna Varela After switching from 84F to 69F, I realized that before leaving Roatan, and after arriving in the US, I did not imagine how my fellowship would be

Paz y Desarollo en Chiquimula

By Brittney Palomarez March 18I’m writing on my last full day in Chiquimula, Guatemala. It doesn’t seem possible that the time has come to an end! The 5 days I
